
Wednesday 12 December 2012

A call to arms for the people of Salford

As news  broke about Salford councils decision to refuse its only professional sports team a loan of £750, 000 to keep it going until a more permanent owner could be found, my heart sank.

After 124 years of representing the city of Salford both nationally and internationaly on occasion its now looking likely to be involved in a huge fight for survival.

Mistakes have been made and now as a fan of this great club I don't feel it's a time for finger pointing by both club or fans.

The club have issued a statement asking if fans would be interested in public meeting to discuss how the club can move forward.
I do believe if you are a Salford fan who reaily cares about the club and its future I urge you to move heaven and earth to get there.

The meeting should not be a opportunity for a minority to get on their soapbox and go through chapter and verse about what is right and wrong with the club
This meeting is to build bridges between club and fan, hopefully the club will realise that not every fan has a stick to beat them with and everyone can move forward to a better future.

Salford city reds is more than a rugby club, it's a virtual religion for many. A place where boys grew up to be men and many lessons in life have been learned for many. 

It's been a constant in so many lives both for the people of Salford and the surrounding areas including mine letting it die now would cut deep.

So here is the plan email the club on and get down there and lets all work together to be part of a rescue package for the only professional sports club in the city of Salford


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